This excellent video describes the basics of Crispr / Cas genome editing.
T=50S Cas homes in.T=2:25, beautifully animates how researchers can create "dead" Cas9 to recruit transcription factor complexes. For epigenetic engineering, it's simply a matter of recruiting the right epi-enzyme.
This informative video clearly displays different features of DNA PACKAGING and EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS that GENOME access and TRANSCRIPTION. A great starting place for basic EPI-MODS and EPI-MODIFIERS.
This video elegantly displays the folding process by which DNA is wrapped around histones and neatly folded upon itself during chromosome condensation. After condensation for mitosis represents the only time at which we can see DNA with a basic light microscope because it has become so dense it blocks passing light.
In the context of Epigenetic Engineering, one should imagine homing in near nucleosomes and chemically modifying the actual histone tails and DNA sequence.
Wonderfully illustrates a single mRNA transcription event.
T=42S, RNA transcription begins
Nicely animates the 3 main primary steps in recombining DNA for gene fusion. Click HERE to review RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY.
Decker Lab, Deft University. 2018
Researchers actually imaged Cas9 cutting DNA using real time atomic force microscopy. Simple and profound. Osamu Nureki of the University of Tokyo